Acupuncture is a holistic treatment based on traditional and ancient Chinese medicine and practices. Acupuncturists
use needles to stimulate points on the body that are connected to energy channels, or meridians. It involves inserting
very thin, sterile needles through the skin at strategic points on the body. This is believed to restore balance and
promote healing.
Personal Competencies
• You are a good listener
• You are able to communicate and work With others
• You like to help others
• You like to analyse problems/ situations
Entry Pathway
1. Complete 10+2 in the Science stream (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
2. Complete a Bachelor's degree in Acupuncture or an M.B.B.S. OR
Complete a Bachelor's degree (M.B.B.S.) followed by an M.D. in Acupuncture OR
Pursue a PG Diploma in Acupuncture
For admissions, you must clear entrance exams such as NEET conducted by NTA, NEET PG conducted by NBE, NEET MDS conducted by NBE, AIAPGET conducted by NTA and so on Please check the duration of the course during enrolment
Where will you study?
The course is offered by the Department of Anaesthesiology.
This list of institutes is indicative only.
1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi
2. King Georgels Medical University, Lucknow
3. Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
4. Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
5. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
6. Grant Medical College, Mumbai
7. Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai
8. Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru
(Please check if Institute is affiliated and with UGC and MCI before applying)
1. Christian Medical College, Vellore
2. St Johns Medical College, Bengaluru
3. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
4. Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
5. MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru
6. St Johns Medical College, Bengaluru
7. KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur
8. Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi
The approx. course fee ranges between INR 4,000 - 3,00,000* for the full course.
*These figures are estimated numbers and will vary from Institute to Institute.
Scholarships & Loans
• National Scholarship Portal - Visit Under this portal there are Central Government Schemes offered by different departments, UGC/AICTE Schemes and State Schemes*
• Visit for details on available scholarships. This is a gateway to scholarships starting from Class XI*
• Scholarships are also available in the Institutes based on merit*
*(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
• VidyaLakshmi,, is a portal for students seeking education loan. This portal has been developed under the guidance of the Department of Financial Services, (Ministry of finance), Ministry of Education, Government of India and Indian Banks Association (IBA).
• Some states have student credit cards with low interest rates, for instance, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, etc.
• All banks give education loans.
Where will you work?
Places of Work: YOU can work in hospitals, private physician offices, clinics as well as medical institutions.
Entrepreneurship: You can also start up a private clinic.
Work Environment: The work timings are typically 6 or 7 days a week for 9 or 10 hours per day. Shift system is applicable.
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
Dr. Rupa Bai Furdoonji was the first lady Anaesthetist of the world. She had administered anaesthesia in the British residency hospital (presently Sultan Bazaar hospital), Afzalguni Hospital and Zanana Hospital, Hyderabad, in the years 1889-1917 A.D. As there was no separate qualification available in anaesthesia in those days she obtained Diploma in Physics and Chemistry from Edinburgh University, and then studied medicine at the John's Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. She practiced medicine in Hyderabad, and played a mayor role in introducing the use of chloroform as an anesthetic in India.*
NCS Code: NA | HW001• You are a good listener
• You are able to communicate and work With others
• You like to help others
• You like to analyse problems/ situations
1. Complete 10+2 in the Science stream (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
2. Complete a Bachelor's degree in Acupuncture or an M.B.B.S.
Complete a Bachelor's degree (M.B.B.S.) followed by an M.D. in Acupuncture
Pursue a PG Diploma in Acupuncture
For admissions, you must clear entrance exams such as NEET conducted by NTA, NEET PG conducted by NBE, NEET MDS conducted by NBE, AIAPGET conducted by NTA and so on
Please check the duration of the course during enrolment
The course is offered by the Department of Anaesthesiology.
This list of institutes is indicative only.
1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi
2. King Georgels Medical University, Lucknow
3. Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
4. Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
5. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
6. Grant Medical College, Mumbai
7. Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai
8. Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru
(Please check if Institute is affiliated and with UGC and MCI before applying)
1. Christian Medical College, Vellore
2. St Johns Medical College, Bengaluru
3. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
4. Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
5. MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru
6. St Johns Medical College, Bengaluru
7. KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur
8. Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi
Information on Institute rankings is available at -
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
The approx. course fee ranges between INR 4,000 - 3,00,000* for the full course.
*These figures are estimated numbers and will vary from Institute to Institute.
• National Scholarship Portal - Visit Under this portal there are Central Government Schemes offered by different departments, UGC/AICTE Schemes and State Schemes*
• Visit for details on available scholarships. This is a gateway to scholarships starting from Class XI*
• Scholarships are also available in the Institutes based on merit*
*(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
• VidyaLakshmi,, is a portal for students seeking education loan. This portal has been developed under the guidance of the Department of Financial Services, (Ministry of finance), Ministry of Education, Government of India and Indian Banks Association (IBA).
• Some states have student credit cards with low interest rates, for instance, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, etc.
• All banks give education loans.
Places of Work: YOU can work in hospitals, private physician offices, clinics as well as medical institutions.
Entrepreneurship: You can also start up a private clinic.
Work Environment: The work timings are typically 6 or 7 days a week for 9 or 10 hours per day. Shift system is applicable.
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
Intern → Anaesthesiologist Assistant → Anaesthesia Technician → Anaesthesiologist → Senior Anaesthesiologist → Chief Medical Officer
The approx. salary of an Acupuncturist ranges between INR 30,000 - 60,000* per month
Source -
Experts from the field
Dr. Rupa Bai Furdoonji was the first lady Anaesthetist of the world. She had administered anaesthesia in the British residency hospital (presently Sultan Bazaar hospital), Afzalguni Hospital and Zanana Hospital, Hyderabad, in the years 1889-1917 A.D. As there was no separate qualification available in anaesthesia in those days she obtained Diploma in Physics and Chemistry from Edinburgh University, and then studied medicine at the John's Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. She practiced medicine in Hyderabad, and played a mayor role in introducing the use of chloroform as an anesthetic in India.*
Source - https://www.ncbi.nlmmhgov/pmc/articles/PMC2933491/
The above information is for training purposes only and will not used for any commercial gains
anaesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist qualification, aesthetician