A Spa Therapist specialize in beauty treatments, skin care, or other typical spa procedures These include a variety of muscle and soft tissue manipulation for their clients for pain relief, stress relief, and other health benefits Assistant spa therapist is expected to assist the senior spa therapist in providing spa services
Personal Competencies
• You have excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• You like to help people feel good
• You are a detail oriented person
• You like to follow instructions given
Entry Pathway
Minimum Qualification
• After completion Of class IO you can enroll for National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)* Level 4 course for Spa Therapist
*NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency-based framework that enables persons to acquire desired competency levels in a chosen field. NSQF includes vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education which prepares an individual for the iob market with competent skills. An individual may return at any time to upgrade skills after gaining experience
Where will you study?
1. National Skill Development Corporation (NSdc), new delhi : Visit https://nsdcindia.org/contact-us
2. Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala : Visit https://ssus.ac.in/
3.Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council, new delhi
4. Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai : visit https://www.bwssc.in/
5.National Council of Educational Research and Training, new delhi : visit https://ncert.nic.in/
A majority of government schemes are free
Scholarships & Loans
• Visit the National Scholarship Portal for details on ITI registered with NSP: scholarships.gov.in/fresh/onlineInstituteSearchIndex
• Visit buddy4study.com for details on scholarships for ITI/Vocational Training: buddy4study.com/articIe/iti-schoIarships
(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
Where will you work?
Places of Work: Stand-alone spas, Spas in hotels and resorts and Medi-spas.
Entrepreneurship: After few years of experience you may join a service aggregator. You can also start your own establishment.
Work Environment: Normal working hours are 8/9 hours a day 6 days a week At times there might be overtime work
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
I was running a spa called 'Grace Aroma' in Navi Mumbai for seven years. But I felt the need for modernising and improving my services. I decided to take the help of Spa Consultants. My existing staff underwent training in customer handling and in latest techniques of spa treatment. They even helped in redesigning my Spa and we were all trained in best spa management techniques. It is now called G-Spa in its new avatar. The training given by Dr. Manish and Dr. Swapnil made the transformation a memorable one. Kanchan C, Owner & Aroma Therapist - G-spa, Navi Mumbai.*
NCS Code: 5142.0801 | TST070• You have excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• You like to help people feel good
• You are a detail oriented person
• You like to follow instructions given
Minimum Qualification
• After completion Of class IO you can enroll for National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)* Level 4 course for Spa Therapist
*NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency-based framework that enables persons to acquire desired competency levels in a chosen field. NSQF includes vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education which prepares an individual for the iob market with competent skills. An individual may return at any time to upgrade skills after gaining experience
1. National Skill Development Corporation (NSdc), new delhi : Visit
2. Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala : Visit https://ssus.ac.in/
3.Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council, new delhi
4. Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai : visit https://www.bwssc.in/
5.National Council of Educational Research and Training, new delhi : visit https://ncert.nic.in/
A majority of government schemes are free
• Visit the National Scholarship Portal for details on ITI registered with NSP: scholarships.gov.in/fresh/onlineInstituteSearchIndex
• Visit buddy4study.com for details on scholarships for ITI/Vocational Training: buddy4study.com/articIe/iti-schoIarships
(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
Places of Work: Stand-alone spas, Spas in hotels and resorts and Medi-spas.
Entrepreneurship: After few years of experience you may join a service aggregator. You can also start your own establishment.
Work Environment: Normal working hours are 8/9 hours a day 6 days a week At times there might be overtime work
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
Assistant Spa Therapist → Spa Therapist → Spa Manager
*These figures are taken from NCS and are indicative and subject to change
The approx. salary of a Spa Therapist ranges between INR 15,000 - 20,000* per month.
Source: https://bit.ly/3vSK9bQ
Experts from the field
I was running a spa called 'Grace Aroma' in Navi Mumbai for seven years. But I felt the need for modernising and improving my services. I decided to take the help of Spa Consultants. My existing staff underwent training in customer handling and in latest techniques of spa treatment. They even helped in redesigning my Spa and we were all trained in best spa management techniques. It is now called G-Spa in its new avatar. The training given by Dr. Manish and Dr. Swapnil made the transformation a memorable one. Kanchan C, Owner & Aroma Therapist - G-spa, Navi Mumbai.*
Source: https://www.spaconsultantsin/testimonials.php
*The above information is for training and will not be used for any commercial gains
spa, therapy, massage, relaxation