A Security Guard tries to guard a building or its people. The security guard can either be armed or unarmed. The core responsibility of an unarmed security guard includes guarding against theft, criminal acts, emergencies, fire and other unforeseen events.
Personal Competencies
• You are physically fit
• You like to help others
• You pay attention to details while working
• You like to have clear instructions to follow
Entry Pathway
Minimum Qualification
After completing class 8 and being 1 8 years of age you can enroll for National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)' level 4 unarmed security
guard training
*NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency-based framework that enables persons to acquire desired competency levels in a chosen field. NSQF includes vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education which prepares an individual for the job market with competent skills. An individual may return at any time to upgrade skills after gaining experience
Where will you study?
1. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Training Institute, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai
2. National Industrial Security Academy (NISA), Hyderabad, Telangana
1. Security Sector Skill Development Council (SSSDC), Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Kolkata
2. Intenational Institute of Security & Safety Managment (115M), Delhi, Mumbai
A majority of government schemes are free
Scholarships & Loans
• Visit the National Scholarship Portal for details on ITI registered with NSP: scholarships.gov.in/fresh/onlineInstituteSearchIndex
• Visit buddy4study.com for details on scholarships for ITI/Vocational Training: buddy4study.com/article/iti-scholarships
(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
Where will you work?
Places of Work: Shopping Malls, Society complexes, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Apartments, Security service providing agencies, Event based companies and so on
Work Environment: You have to work for at least 8 to 9 hours and for 5 to 6 days a week. Shift duties may be there. Overtime is common.
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
25-year-old Anil Kumar Warkade hails from Khamaria, a small village in Tehsil—Rithi , Katni District of Madhya Pradesh. Man Kumar, father of
Anil Kumar was a farmer. Anil Kumar successfully cleared his Class 12 exams. after which he learned about a course in the 'Security' domain. Anil Kumar cleared the Security Guard course with an impressive record. A Few days after completing his Security Guard course, Anil Kumar received a iob offer as a 'Security Guard' in Katni. He accepted a modest starting salary of INR 4,500 per month, and went about his work with great zeal and commitment, His Security officer
was impressed with Anil Kumar for the dedication and hard work that he showed While working. He quickly rose in the organisation and now, to the pride of his parents, his salary has increased manyfold.*
NCS Code: 5414.0501 | PPLS015• You are physically fit
• You like to help others
• You pay attention to details while working
• You like to have clear instructions to follow
Minimum Qualification
After completing class 8 and being 1 8 years of age you can enroll for National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)' level 4 unarmed security
guard training
*NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency-based framework that enables persons to acquire desired competency levels in a chosen field. NSQF includes vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education which prepares an individual for the job market with competent skills. An individual may return at any time to upgrade skills after gaining experience
1. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Training Institute, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai
2. National Industrial Security Academy (NISA), Hyderabad, Telangana
1. Security Sector Skill Development Council (SSSDC), Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Kolkata
2. Intenational Institute of Security & Safety Managment (115M), Delhi, Mumbai
A majority of government schemes are free
• Visit the National Scholarship Portal for details on ITI registered with NSP: scholarships.gov.in/fresh/onlineInstituteSearchIndex
• Visit buddy4study.com for details on scholarships for ITI/Vocational Training: buddy4study.com/article/iti-scholarships
(Availability of these scholarships can vary from time to time)
Places of Work: Shopping Malls, Society complexes, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Apartments, Security service providing agencies, Event based companies and so on
Work Environment: You have to work for at least 8 to 9 hours and for 5 to 6 days a week. Shift duties may be there. Overtime is common.
Opportunities for work exist for differently abled in this field
Helper Guard → Security Guard → Security supervisor
The approx. salary of an Unarmed Security Guard ranges between INR 9,000 - 15,OOO* per month
Source - https://bit.ly/3ZfaXzK
Experts from the field
25-year-old Anil Kumar Warkade hails from Khamaria, a small village in Tehsil—Rithi , Katni District of Madhya Pradesh. Man Kumar, father of
Anil Kumar was a farmer. Anil Kumar successfully cleared his Class 12 exams. after which he learned about a course in the 'Security' domain. Anil Kumar cleared the Security Guard course with an impressive record. A Few days after completing his Security Guard course, Anil Kumar received a iob offer as a 'Security Guard' in Katni. He accepted a modest starting salary of INR 4,500 per month, and went about his work with great zeal and commitment, His Security officer
was impressed with Anil Kumar for the dedication and hard work that he showed While working. He quickly rose in the organisation and now, to the pride of his parents, his salary has increased manyfold.*
Source - https://www.dbtech.in/SuccessStory.aspx?StoryID=BOkQAV2WRbgQ7tT6Nv8duNX0xHUX1LD/bMLUDI25ESc=
*The above information tis for training purposes only and will not be used for any commercial gains
security guard jobs, unarmed security guard, unarmed security officer